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Reading for Pleasure


The relationship between attainment in and the enjoyment of reading is recognised here at Thursfield Primary School and our intent is to develop positive attitudes towards reading by all and to foster a love of books through the school’s enthusiastic reading culture.

Through reading the children will access all areas of the curriculum and it is a doorway to their future, it is a vital tool to success. Staff will promote reading wherever possible such as through book discussions, recommendations, links made in all areas of the curriculum to available high-quality texts and poetry.

At Thursfield Primary School we will ensure we are equipping pupils with the skills to become readers and to ensure reading is promoted as a high-value activity we will take any specific action needed for individuals, this may be in the form of phonic intervention, reading in school, offering a range of texts to support and enhance their reading skills. We want to make reading for pleasure an escape and adventure for all thus the children will become confident, keen and capable readers.

Our ultimate aim it to not persuade children to read, but for children to choose to read independently.



Children and adults share high quality texts from Reception up to Year 6. This engagement with books from reception is paramount to ensure children begin to have a love for stories which in turn will see them wanting to read stories for themselves as they grow older.

Adults ensure there are a range of books for children to have access to daily that stories are read throughout the day, particularly at key worker times and at snack times. Adult’s role model their love for reading stories and the importance of respecting books, through the teaching of early book handling skills. Simultaneously, children are encouraged to take an interest in the text and print themselves, meaning their desire to read (or engage) independently is increased. As Anjali Patel, (Lead Advisory Teacher) states, ‘reading requires practice and stamina’ so maintaining interest in and love for reading in the early years is essential.

  • Pre-Teach

Before reading the book, teachers may feel the need to teach the book before they read it with their children. During this time, the context of the story, background to the story, addressing where the story is set, the geographical context, vocabulary and any other important information is taught to help children with the understanding of the story.

  • Exposure

Throughout the school, carefully selected, half-termly class texts provide excellent opportunities for oral language discussion as well as reading beyond a text. Exposure to high-quality language and vocabulary across the curriculum sets expectations for pupil’s own oracy and communication skills. We also have creativity weeks across the school in which we take a high-quality text and turn it into drama, reading, writing and artwork which is displayed throughout the school. 

  • Drama

Exploring stories through play-based activities is a powerful aid to reading comprehension. We are an RSC (Royal Shakespeare Company) associated school; drama and rehearsal techniques can be seen to be used throughout the school from EYFS, KS1 and KS2 in order to immerse children in the plot.

  • Incentivising Reading

Children receive prizes as part of our Red Ted Awards (KS1) (Read Every day, Talk Every day) and ROAR Awards (KS2) (Raising our Attainment in Reading).

Rotating book bags are also used throughout the school: every child has the chance to take a book bag home in order to promote reading. KS1 have ‘Bedtime Story Bags’, which include an appropriate story, hot chocolate and cuddly toy and KS2 also have reading bags, which contain picture books which promote discussion.

A reading council has also been established to help raise the profile of Reading and these representatives meet weekly and produce half termly newsletters.

  • Reading Events

In school we will hold special reading events such as whole school book swaps to engage and promote child enjoyment. A book swap event in each year group will be organised and a book swap shelf set up for parents as we wish not only for the children to read for pleasure but also parents, they are the greatest role models for their own children in this way. 

  • Parental Workshops

To ensure that parents are on board with just how important reading is to their children’s education and life beyond it we will also hold parent workshops to teach them methods and ways to encourage positive reading in the home. Techniques for guiding a struggling reader and ways to question about the text will be demonstrated.

  • Role Modelling

Staff will promote reading wherever possible such as through book discussions, recommendations, links made in all areas of the curriculum to available high-quality texts and poetry. Book talk to be a regular part of the school day this is to be a daily part of life for children at Thursfield, book recommendations to be made in all classrooms from children to other children and staff making age-appropriate recommendations - these to be put on the interactive whiteboards building awareness of authors and a range of genres. ‘Book votes’ to be in each classroom enabling children to have a range of texts shared with them modelled/read by the class teacher.



The impact of these planned events and promotions in school will be that the children of Thursfield read for pleasure whether this is in or out of school and have a greater understanding of what they have read or are reading. The reading levels and fluency of all of our pupils will be improved and the attitudes towards reading will be positive. Children will be confident to discuss texts read and even make recommendations to friends about authors and books to try as well as having in depth conversations with staff about their choice of books in passing where relevant.

Thursfield Primary School
Contact Us
01782 512301Thursfield Primary Schooloffice@thursfield.staffs.sch.ukChapel Ln, Harriseahead, Stoke-on-Trent ST7 4JL
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust