School Council & Pupil Voice
School Council
At Thursfield Primary School, we believe it is important for pupils to take ownership of their learning and have greater roles in school decision-making. We provide many opportunities for children to play a role in making the decisions that affect them. We recognise that pupils have logical perspectives and opinions on issues that matter in the classroom, in the school and in the community. We give pupils an active role in influencing decisions about these issues as well as in the implementation of these decisions.
Each year a new school council is elected at Thursfield. The pupils talk about what qualities a good councillor would need and then put themselves forward as a candidate. During election week, each class fills in a ballot paper for a school council member from each class.
The school council meet weekly on a Tuesday after-school with Miss Ronson to discuss lots of ideas about how to improve the school and ways to raise money for charity. They take all the ideas back to their classroom to discuss with the class.