The School Day
The school gates open at 8:40am
The Reception door opens at 8:35am – Parents of children in Reception are encouraged to bring their children to the Reception door. Parents may also wish to catch an adult if they want to pass on some important information at the start of the day.
Registration is at 8:45- Any child arriving after 8:45 will need to enter via the School Office, accompanied by an adult, who must sign the late book giving a reason for lateness.
Snack and break time for children in Reception is around 10:15am - Children may have a snack from school or bring in a healthy snack from home.
Lunchtime begins at 12:00pm - Every child in the Early Years is entitled to a free hot school meal which is provided by AiP. There is a choice between two dishes (one is vegetarian), sandwiches or a jacket potato. Children also have access to vegetables, fruit, pudding and a drink. If you prefer, you can provide your child with a packed lunch. All children sit in the main hall and eat their lunch together.
Afternoon starts at 12:45pm
15 minutes of playtime is usually between 2:30 – 2:45pm
School finishes at 3:15pm- The teachers will take your children out to meet you and will not let them leave until they have seen their adults who will be collecting them. If a different adult than usual is collecting them, please let their class teacher know.
Key Stage 1- Years 1 and 2
The KS1 door opens at 8:40am – Parents of children in KS1 are encouraged to bring their children to the door. Parents may also wish to catch an adult if they want to pass on some important information at the start of the day.
Registration is at 8:50- Any child arriving after 8:50 will need to enter via the School Office, accompanied by an adult, who must sign the late book giving a reason for lateness.
Snack/ break time for children in KS1 is around 10:30am - Children may have a snack from school or bring in a healthy snack from home.
Lunchtime begins at 12:15pm - Every child in the KS1 is entitled to a free hot school meal which is provided by AiP. There is a choice between two dishes (one is vegetarian), sandwiches or a jacket potato. Children also have access to vegetables, fruit, pudding and a drink. If you prefer, you can provide your child with a packed lunch. All children sit in the main hall and eat their lunch together.
Afternoon starts at 1:00pm
15 minutes of playtime is usually between 2:30 – 2:45pm
School finishes at 3:20pm- The teachers will take your children out to meet you and will not let them leave until they have seen their adults who will be collecting them. If a different adult than usual is collecting them, please let their class teacher know.
KS2 - Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6
The school gates open at 8:40am- All children enter school via the KS2 door and immediately begin morning learning activities.
Registration is at 8:50 - Any child arriving after 8:50 will need to enter via the School Office, accompanied by an adult, who must sign the late book giving a reason for lateness.
Snack / break time is at 10:45 - 11am – Parents may provide their child with healthy snacks from home or order a school snack via Arbor.
Lunchtime begins between 12:30pm and 12:45pm - You can request your child to have a hot school meal which is provided by AiP. There is a choice between two dishes (one is vegetarian), sandwiches or a jacket potato. Children also have access to vegetables, fruit, pudding and a drink. If you prefer, you can provide your child with a packed lunch. All children sit in the main hall and eat their lunch together.
Afternoon starts between 1:15pm and 1:30pm
School finishes at 3:20pm - Teachers will dismiss the children at their external outside door or from their base in the playground.
All children attend Thursfield for 32.5 hours per week.